I used to get my crickets from a place called "Reptile Island" In Yorba Linda and occassionally they will get a shipment in - though, bring your own container because on your trip home they would have most likely all killed eachother and the victor would have chewed it's way out of the bag and...
Awww, Sebastian is my cham and he is sitting on my arm as I type this! Lance is a great Member and super helpful. From what I've noticed, most of Sebastian's kids LOVE LOVE LOVE being handled!!!
They are big and some chameleons prefer them, but they also bite, very hard. Not commended for smaller chams and people that are scared of cricket bites.
WATER, WATER, WATER. I use a folded paper towel, replaced daily. If you can, use cricket crack too for their food (though with cricket crack, 1k crickets might go through 1/4 one pound bag, a day)
Lol sneak him into a bar.
I can vouch John Stamos is no older than 4 months. My Little brother is the owner of John Stamos' older brother. He named the little guy Jupiter. Jupiter hatched first out of the clutch on May 26, 2011 and John promply follwed about 2 weeks later. Jupiter is about...