I have tried to hand feed but when he sees my hand he runs and hides so I just hold a container out and he eats from it but I have not done anything to make his behavior like this so I'm stumped
I have had my second Cham now for about 5 months and he is the most unsocial pet I have ever had. My first Cham would love to come to the door when I would feed him and even climb out on my hand. My Jackson now runs when I try to feed and will not even let me touch him when I have to do full...
I'm not sure this is my second Cham, ( the first one died due to disease from seller) and I didn't get to see him shed so I don't know if he is just shedding or has something
Yeah I've always stood there to watch and make sure he doesn't have any trouble eating them. It takes a couple more chews for him but he really loves the big ones better.
I noticed my Jackson will eat the smaller crickets some, but when a put a very large cricket in front of him he runs towards it. He loves the large crickets better than the small. Can the size of these hurt him?
Yes do not get a Senegal! The price sounds a bit too much also. They go for about $30 but the reason they are so cheap is because they are all wild caught. A Senegal was my first chameleon and it died in a month. I took him to the vet and got a round of 6 shots and fed him through a syringe for...
It is actually like a large square Tupperware container, but I drilled small holes in the lid to allow air flow..don't know if they can squeeze through that or what.
Yeah I hear ya. I have 3 dogs and they love to catch the escapees! The thing is I bought a box of 500 crickets and I haven't even used 100 yet so I think Ill just stick with getting crickets from the store in small quantities.
I have a container about the size of a gallon jug and it has a tight locking lid on it. When I come home all the time there are always like 5 or 6 that escape. Any ideas on this?:mad:
All chameleons are prone to stress. If a disaster occurred all you could do Is make sure his habitat was restored as quickly as possible. In the mean time for warmth, I have used hot hands heaters wrapped in paper towel. This maintains body temp when the power is out.
They had to give it rectally because he was not eating and would not open his mouth. He then gave him a shot of steroids to boost him appetite because he was being fed by syringe and that's when he died
I was feeding this morning and the first cricket he ate he slapped right at it, then the second his tongue would not go more than a couple centimeters so he tried again and the same thing happend, any one have this happen before?