Unfortunately I’ve lost both of my imported KB. They were very young, imported and sold by lllreptile (they were upfront about being imported). The male seemed to be doing really well but took a turn in the last two days and he passed today while I was at work. :(
I still have one of my...
Apologies - late to the party and have not read the whole thread. I dust once a month with reptical d3 and once a month with multivit (cant recall name… white bottle with leo on front). My kb dont get natural uvb, only d3 from their lights.
Sorry to hear, can only imagine how stressful the ordeal was for all three of you. As others have said, thanks for sharing and normalizing this kind of stuff. Accidents, injuries, and illnesses happen to even the most experienced keepers. Speedy recovery to Neptune and Venus.
I (and by I, I mean I make my husband) pop them off adult hoppers. We don’t bother doing so with the smaller hoppers unless they are small enough to feed the k.boehmehi, but even then they’re prob too small to even try!
My go to is a spray bottle with maybe 20% filled with 70% isopropyl alcohol (not ethenal alcohol) mixed with a squirt of dawn dish soap and filled with water. Shake it up well and spray tops, bottoms, and stems of plants. Let it sit and the rinse very well. It hasn't hurt my isopod...
Thats interesting - and not something I considered! My colony is mostly self-populating at this point, but I did have to restock it a few times last year. Hadn’t considered the idea that my supplier’s feed could be contaminating my feeders (russian roulette). Its a reputable place but...
I also only feed my dubia fresh veggies. I do occasionally offer them bug burger, which likely has some protein in it, but they get it maybe 1x a month along side their veggies.
I have an old cham who barely drinks… in anything short of a full day of rain outside. He developed acute swelling in one foot and bloodwork showed his uric acid was mildly elevated (but not in medication territory).
His treatment for his flare up was lower protein and extra hydration. But...
My cristifer is great! She is a little bigger than the male panthers were. Not crazy active but very chill and always hungry! I know Craig’s getting out if the game but maybe he has a hold back or connection?
I loooooooove k boehmei … but they are so tiny and fragile, I wouldnt advise them for kids.
I agree @jamest0o0 that panthers seem to be the most even tempered, and less fragile.
I use Tradescantia for my small species (kinyongia boehmei). Be warned its borderline invasive in a vivarium lol - but easy to pull/remove. The vines are too fragile for a panther, IMO and wouldnt use it. If they climb on it its likely to break and they’ll fall. If you like the look - check...
Oh you could also put some in a spray bottle to really get in all the crevices on the stem - still wipe with a paper towel and rinse, or the adults will stick around.
Rubbing alcohol is the way to go. Brown scale sucks - such a pain. They have armored shells that protect the adults from a lot of pest treatments - so wiping the leaves and stems with 70% isopropyl on a paper towel is the way to go. Really saturate the towel… which remove the adults. Then I...
Saying tearful goodbyes to Porcini. This last clutch, and the pain from her injury, have been too much for her. I am thankful to have been home this week to spend time with her and sit outside.
I have no illusions of being a chameleon whisperer - but Porcini is the third chameleon I’ve...