Here's a picture of what I think looks like the tarsal spur... what do you think? Sorry it's a crappy picture, he only wanted to crawl around on my right hand and it was hard to operate the camera with my left. ;)
Before I left for work today I peeked into Val's cage and I think I can see a little spur, so I'm pretty sure he's a male. I'll try to take some close-up pictures this evening and post them so you guys/gals can see what you think.
The breeder told me it was a male. She looked closely at like 10 babies before she found one to sell me. She could have been mistaken though, how do I check? What exactly does the spur look like and where is it supposed to be?
Thanks. :)
I am amazed at how strong thier legs and tail are. I saw him contemplating that move and I thought for sure he was going to fall, but he pulled it off effortlessly of course.
I couldn't get the hygrometer to stick at first either, but then I removed the velcro that came with...
I took a couple more pictures this weekend of little Valentino. While I was cleaning out his enclosure I put him in a potted ficus tree in my back yard in the sun. He seemed to enjoy it, he kept climbing around until he got to the top and just hung out for a bit. ;)...
Eeek. It sounds like your little guys have had a traumatic childhood! :eek:
Chams get stressed out very easily and the more they are stressed the more likely they are to get sick and/or have short lifespans. I'm no expert, but I did a lot of research before getting my baby male veiled...
My little guy, Valentino, is in a screen enclosure and it's usually around 90-95 degrees in his basking spot. The times I've seen him gape his mouth open is when he's up there basking. Wouldn't he just move lower if he was too hot?
My baby male veiled basks with his mouth open occasionally too... is that normal or something bad? I've seen him drink on occasion and he eats two or three times a day (3 or 4 crickets each time... I put in like 10 but he eats 3 or 4 and quits). His eyes aren't sunken and his droppings don't...
Thanks for the input!
Will the ESU bulb be OK for a couple of days while I order the Reptisun or should I go buy one from a retailer today? Would you recommend the 5.0 or 10.0?
There will be no roaches in this house! ;) haha. I'll stick to crickets and I'm going to order up some fruit...
Hello everyone. You have a nice forum here. I have been researching for a couple weeks, reading everything I could before taking the plunge. Today my fiance and I went to the Intl Reptile Show here in San Diego, CA and I picked up my new buddy Valentino, a Veiled Cham.
I was kicking...