Just to update, earlier tonight I took him back to the vet.
While at the vet he defecated and his feces were bloody, which was new. Shortly there after he passed.
Thank you Remkon for your advice. As for now I am grieving my loss.
Thank you for the reply Remkon, he is getting sprayed 6 times a day for 45 seconds each time per the automated sprayer. I do manually spray him a couple times a week and probably spray about 16 oz. worth of water which equates to about 5 minutes.
Admittedly the plants look terrible in this...
Picture of the Chameleon, from this morning. I have given him some sterile saline drops this morning per the "ok" from the vet, no real effect. He is going back to eyes closed mode. From what I can tell, his weight and general appearance seems good from what I can tell.
image of enclosure setup - as of 11-22-16 11:28 PM his eyes are open but is upside down, he is in the upper right. This is more or less where i put him down after handling him to administer meds.
Disclaimer, I didn't realize i typed so much until i had finished, but felt all of it would be worthwhile information, i apologize in advance if grammer is poor.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson Chameleon, Male, ~2.5 years old, I have had it in my care for 2 years.
Handling - About...