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  1. D

    wooden viv in UK

    i had a viv exotic for my excellent water dragons they are excellent tanks and will be excellent for a chameleon because of the height, especially an adult one. i placed a fish tank a the bottom of mine and filled with water for my water dragons and it created a great humidity and you need this...
  2. D

    Meal worms

    i wouldn't, they don't half make a mess for one and they will eat living plants that are in the vivarium. i have also had a beardy that was eaten by a mealworm and killed my beardy if you are feeding mealworms best bet is to get a mealworm feeder which are no more then £10 and make easier to the...
  3. D

    closed eyes/eye infection

    i have experienced this problem before, i just misted the chameleon and tryed to mist the eye alot to try to release it and i got some feeding tongues and placed a waxworm in front of its mouth sometimes could take 5 minutes for him to take it but eventually he took it. but because they can't...
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