Hi, thank you for your fast reply. No thankfully, it doesn't bother him at all. Hard to tell, I adopted him two years ago and he was around 3, 3 and a half years old. So he should be more than five. It's been there since end of 2023's summer. It has grown since then but stayed this size. Our...
So Zeus, my veiled got this lump or what should I call it pretty long time ago.. It started small but got this big. No change in his behavior. He eats, drinks, climbs all over the apartment.. You get what I mean. He's pretty old btw. Anyone knows what this is, why is it etc.?
Noo I wouldn't want to disturb him while he sleeps.. He's around 5y.o, I've adopted him around a year ago, he made me fall in love with lizards so much :D but little fella always does something that makes me scared that something is wrong.
Hi, so my chameleon vibrates when asleep. I know why they vibrate when awake, but why does he do this when asleep? Short vibrations usually 4-5 then stops then does it again. This happens a few times a night.