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  1. Atsumi

    reptile shows

    As THECHAMMAN stated, I also use kingsnake. Sadly, the show closest to me it like... 2 hours away. :/ I may still go this month, though. :D
  2. Atsumi

    Odd one out

    Sambava, maybe? I suck at these games. XD
  3. Atsumi

    Please Help my baby Veiled isnt eating

    Could be relocation stress. How big is the biggest "Exo Terra Chameleon Cage?" Maybe it's too big for him and that has him stressed out. Good luck with your new Veiled.
  4. Atsumi

    car guys?

    *drool* I love me some 1st Gen Camaro. <3 That one's a beauty!
  5. Atsumi

    Who's behind the computer?

    My name is Tiffany. I don't actually own a Chameleon, but I'm definitely doing me research as soon as I do (when I move out, there's no space here XD) I currently own a Bearded Dragon, 2 Ball Pythons and a Tokay Gecko. I'm going to a technical college for Networking, and I am also a huge...
  6. Atsumi

    Screen Resolution

    I built mine from ground up. EVGA SLI ready Motherboard, 9800 GTX, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, 4 GB RAM (updraging to 8 because of 64 bit Vista), etc...
  7. Atsumi

    car guys?

    I bet! My boyfriend's sister has a purple Camaro (4th gen) with T-tops, and the AC went out on it. It's horrible in there!
  8. Atsumi

    Reptiles magazine tattoo contest

    If I wasn't such a wimp (and had money) I'd get something similar to this, minus the faded pegasus. XD
  9. Atsumi

    car guys?

    Ugh! I'm jealous! I've yet to see one of them around my crummy town. Though I did see one in the ads in the paper. >.> Scheming, I am.
  10. Atsumi

    To me my female panther looks exceptionally red, but what do you guys think?

    She's beautiful. A female with that coloration is definitely one I would keep.
  11. Atsumi

    Screen Resolution

    That's what I'm talking about. XD I need a new monitor. The highest mine goes is 1280x1024, but my video card is WAY better than that (9800 GTX).
  12. Atsumi

    car guys?

    My dream is to own a '68 Pontiac GTO.
  13. Atsumi

    Xbox 360

    You shouldn't have to back up your gaming with sports and pictures. I'm a firm believer not all gamers are nerds (though I am). I have an Xbox 360 (waited at midnight to get it the night it came out) and my gamertag is Smallish Atsumi. I don't play any sports, but my picture is in my...
  14. Atsumi

    Panther Passion Tour (Madagascar Jan 09)

    That would most likely be the trip of my life, but sadly college is devouring my life. Someday though, if it happens again, I would absolutely be thrilled to have the privilege of going on this trip. My camera and I would be in love.
  15. Atsumi

    how much $$?

    I've seen Veileds at Petco for about $60 where I'm at. But they looked incredibly unhealthy, so I had to pass it up. I don't actually have a chameleon yet, I'm just using this website to learn EVERYTHING I can, because they're a little harder to take care of than a lot of reptiles.
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