Unfortunately Rizz died this morning, managed to get him to a reptile shop as vets closed but to late, they said it looked like he had sustained an injury and that with chams they deteriorate rapidly. Need to do more research and a lot of thought before thinking of getting another one, thanks...
Panther, male approximately 18months. Had him just over a year.
Handled rarely
Crickets and hoppers when available. Fed every other day 3-4 large.
Haven’t given him supplements, misting system attached and hand mist daily
Poops appear fine
No previous issues
Hi my panther was at the bottom of his tank, he seems very weak and eyes are sunken, been feeding him crickets as no hoppers available, any help greatly appreciated as it looks like he may be dead by the morning
Hi thanks for this and all the sound advice, we don’t grab ours and lift him out just offer our hand and see if he wants to come out sometime he does others he doesn’t but always on his terms. Since joining the forum and asking questions and reading I’m quite content that our Cham is happy with...
So my partner started handling our panther today and happens to walk past a large mirror, he changed colour and puffed himself up seeing his reflection.
Thanks everyone for clearing that up, I’ve had mixed reviews on our breeder/supplier, but feel more comfortable now, ours(Rizzla) always sits on show, never hides or hisses so we will start working with him daily.
Hi, general query as there seems to be lots of conflicting information, generally chameleons don’t like being handled but today after visiting a main reptile shop in my city I was told, handle panthers everyday, Jackson’s 3 times a week and yemens can be aggressive is this true.
Hi cage is 24x18x36, purchased with the chameleon as a set up from the shop, I have moved the heat lamp to the back and the UV diagonal the temp at the top is now 30.3 and about 23-25 at the bottom during the day at night it drops, is a lamp or a ceramic heater best
I have attached 3 images, chameleons name is Rizzla, not sure what’s going on with, he was up at 2am this morning rummaging around and went right to the top of the viv
Hi, I am new to this group and have a couple of questions about my panther which hopefully someone can answer, I have a glass vivarium which I am struggling to get the temperature above 26/27 deg. At the top, is this too cold also what should the night time temperature be.