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  1. Senate

    Chameleon occasionally keeping eyes closed

    Wow what a beautiful recovery! Thank you for your advice!
  2. Senate

    Chameleon occasionally keeping eyes closed

    Thank you so much!
  3. Senate

    Chameleon occasionally keeping eyes closed

    Hello! I don’t believe I have been using a multivitamin! Is there a specific brand of multivitamin you would recommend?
  4. Senate

    Chameleon occasionally keeping eyes closed

    Of course! I forgot to mention, his enclosure is in front of a window for the extra warmth. This window point out to my backyard so there should be nothing to disturb him since it’s gated and there are not feral cats. The bottom half of the window is tinted and the top half has a rainbow film...
  5. Senate

    Chameleon occasionally keeping eyes closed

    Hello all! My 8 month old panther Cham named Van Gogh has been having some issues for the past month. This is all the information I’ve collected regarding it. He keeps his eyes closed for a majority of the day, occasionally opening them to get a drink of water. If he feels any sort of...
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