I have spoke about this condition with @Action Jackson and he has seen it on one of his animals, again seemed to be benign but we were unable to determine a cause. I would be interested to see if you find any more information about this.
I have seen this before in my nosy be male. It seems to be benign as the color change happened around the year two mark and he is almost 5 now. Does the discoloration seem the affect only one side of the tail?
Chameleon academy https://chameleonacademy.com/ is the best source of info and will give you the best start. The best advice is set up everything well in advance of getting your chameleon and do not cut any corners. It will be expensive up front but will pay off in the long run. Try to...
I use a butterfly cage and keep them outdoors in the shade in summertime. I can hang greens from the top with a paper clip so they don't have to go to the floor to eat. If I bring indoors I hang a heat lamp on top.
Spring is finally here! Let's see those outdoor keeping plans for 2024 and the progress over the season. This will be my 4th year keeping Cryo outdoors from May 1st until early October in a planter box cage. I was lucky enough to find a massive Mandeville this year that fills out the cage...
Depends on the species you are keeping. I have a nosy be panther and he does great outdoors from early May to late September. I live in the Midwest and as long as temps are between 55 and 95 he is good to go. If there are any really cold nights or really hot days I bring him back to the...
I also have not seen these since the early 2000s. Crazy such a "common" species isn't more popular in captivity. Is anyone breeding these or was it imported?
What are you finding the temperature highs a Parsons is comfortable outdoors? I have always wanted a Parsons but I do worry about them overheating compared to a pardalis.