hahaha no she seemed fine. she must have liked it though because a while after she ate the flower/leaf top, she came back and nibbled on the stem a bit and realized it wasn't as good and has left it alone since lol
how do you think i should lower the temps? i was thinking about putting a small fan in front of the cage blowing out to increase airflow and it would probably lower the temp too. thoughts? I know the caging is not ideal but its the best setup i have at the moment. Im moving into a large house in...
to start, here are the basics
Chameleon Info:
* Your Chameleon - Female Veiled, somewhere around a couple months old, got him from petco about 3 weeks ago
* Handling - rarely handle her, have taken her out ~3 times since Ive had her
* Feeding - Feeding her mainly...