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  1. Sandylynn

    full grown size

    Hi, Just wondering at what age do panther cham's reach their full grown size? Thanks. Sandylynn
  2. Sandylynn

    white bugs in cage

    Hello, I only noticed them in the tub the holds the drainage water. They're small,but can be seen easily. I have a live plant in Pedro's cage,but I don't leave food in there. They can't be from roaches because Idon't feed them. I keep the cage clean, soI don't know how i got them. Thanks...
  3. Sandylynn

    white bugs in cage

    what is frontline? How'd I get the mites? I've had my chameleon for almost a yr. and never noticed the white bugs before. So I need to take everything out of the cage and clean it? Thanks. Sandylynn
  4. Sandylynn

    white bugs in cage

    Hello, Yesterday when removing the water from the drainage container there were lots of white bugs in the water. Never noticed this before and its creeping me out. There were lots. Anyone have any idea what this could be and how to keep it from happening again. Thanks. Sandylynn
  5. Sandylynn

    pro mist 60 setup

    Hi everyone, Just bought a pro-mist 60 misting system and wondering how hard it is to setup? Any suggestions? Does anyone have pictures of how they setup their pro-mist? Thanks. Sandylynn
  6. Sandylynn

    Hello everyone, I'm new to here,

    Welcome Dear Cyndi, I'm new to chameleon keeping also. I bought mine 5 months ago. This is the best site. I've learned soooo much info here. Everybody here is really helpful. Sandylynn
  7. Sandylynn

    Do you think my kids could handle it?

    Dear Scarlet, I'm new to chameleon keeping, but I say if you've all researched very carefully including yourself, and you and your kids are willing to do the work then it could turn out to be a wonderful experience. Personally my family and I have 2 dogs, 1 hedgehog, 2 leopard geckos, 1...
  8. Sandylynn

    Anyone use the larger size mesh from

    Hi, Just wondering how everyone likes the larger size mesh from I just ordered a new cage with it. What size crickets can get out of it? I cup feed but an occasional cricket does get loose. Plus the people at suggested that I free roam my crickets. Thanks. Sandylynn
  9. Sandylynn

    anyone use suntex material

    Hi everyone, I was just on site and was wondering about suntex material they have for cages. You really can't see thru it but it might be good to use on the sides and back of cage to keep in more humidity. What do you think? Don't know about the crickets eating thru it though...
  10. Sandylynn

    Anyone make and sell custom cages??

    Hello, I'm looking into getting a bigger cage for my Pedro and was wondering if anyone makes and sells custom cages? I would like something nice that would look good in my sons bedroom. I have no talent for building. I would like something that's nicer than aluminum and with drainage...
  11. Pedro's cage

    Pedro's cage

    This is Pedro's cage
  12. Where's my food

    Where's my food

    Pedro waiting for his food
  13. pedro posing

    pedro posing

    This is Pedro posing for the camera
  14. I'm pissed off

    I'm pissed off

    Pedro mad at me for taking pictures
  15. Hanging out

    Hanging out

    Pedro hanging out on branch
  16. Member Album by Sandylynn

    Member Album by Sandylynn

  17. Sandylynn

    Bamboo safe plant??

    I'd like to know the answer to that, too. Sandylynn
  18. Sandylynn

    How to feed when everything is wet...

    Thanks everyone for responding. Sandylynn
  19. Sandylynn

    everyone's shedule or routine...

    Hello, Just got my little guy yesterday. He's 4month's old, Nosy Be from the Kammer's. I got the whole package from them including the small cage. I'm sooooooo excited and a bit scared. I've been researching for months. MY son wanted one a year ago but I didn't want to start with a...
  20. Sandylynn

    How to feed when everything is wet...

    Hello, Just received my little guy yesterday and very excited. He's 4 months old. How do I feed when cage and plants are always wet? If I put the feeders on leaves the feeders get wet and if I use a cup water drips in the cup from the wet leaves. I'm a bit confused. Is he old enough for...
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