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  1. charles

    juvinile naps

    Hey ya'll is is common for a ten week old veiled to take a nap for the period of about an hour once or twice in the evening. He doesn't keep them closed for but for about an hour around 4 and another 30-45 min about six his light timer is set for to come on at 6:15 am and go off and 8:45 pm I...
  2. charles

    basking question

    Dave i should have been more clear. his basking site is 95-100. it is just 85 degrees undeer the uv lamp. Thank you very much for your tim and for replying to my thread
  3. charles

    basking question

    My six week old veiled is shedding for the first time "yea". My question is however he has been basking almost exclusively under his uvb light for the past 48 hours. I was worried about "sunburn". he has a 5% reptisun compact fluorescent bulb it is only 85 degrees under this lamp but is the uvb...
  4. charles

    VEILED WITH A HERNIA ??????Matthew help.

    Hello all, Thanks for everyones help with Cali's URI it has compleatly healed. However after a recent fall in her cage I noticed that she wasn't climbing very high. When i examined her I saw a bulge , just about the size of a pencil erasor on her left side in the 7 o'clock position just past...
  5. charles

    Having some issues

    Hybrid, Based on what you are describing sounds like she could be trying to lay eggs, and doesn't have a nesting box. If you already knew this pardon my stating the obvious, but she can become gravid with out mating her and the more you feed them the more they lay. My veiled lays un-fertile...
  6. charles

    Uri Edema Part 3

    Well, Cali is defenanately on the road to recovery. Her edema has gone down concederably. I started her on repti-aid today and boy does she hate it. What is the forum's experience with this i'd love to get some feed back. Thanks again is advance for all ya'lls time and care. Charles and Cali
  7. charles

    sick fischers cham?

    Niki, My fischers did that when I Fed him mealworms. I found out that they wer lodging in his esophagus and were having a hard time going down ,and passing through the gutwhen i stopped feeding them to him and gave him waxworms "sparingly" he got better. This is my 2 cents i hope that it...
  8. charles

    Uri Edema Part 2

    Hey Ya'll I was just informed by another experienced keeper that Baytril is rough on the chams kidneys. Does anyone know of one that i can request from the vet that is less toxic. Thanks again. Charles and Cali
  9. charles

    Uri Edema Please Help

    Dave, Thanks very much for the post. What is the standard treatment for edema incase this doesn't harmlessly dissapate, Just incase I have to tell the vet what to do. Thanks again for your time. Charles
  10. charles

    Uri Edema Please Help

    I have a 2 year old femaile veiled chameleon,who just went to the vet for an URI. I went out of town and her automatic waterer malfunctioned and released way too much water.Hense the uri. they gave me the basic treatment baytril, and with out my approval they gave her 10 ml of ringers. She WAS...
  11. charles

    poss egg bound veiled please help.

    the pic in my profile was taken today
  12. charles

    poss egg bound veiled please help.

    yes she does have a place to lay her eggs if need be. Honestly guys she hasn't exhibited any signs of being ready to lay like my panthe does when she has layed in the past. is there a chance that she could be just obese.
  13. charles

    poss egg bound veiled please help.

    Hello all, I have 18 month old female veiled chameleon. She has never been bred, or ever exhibited signs of wanting to lay, but she looks fat. I am scared of egg binding. What should I look for with reguards to egg binding. Based on what others have posted she sholud have layed her first...
  14. charles

    Pet Health Insurance?

    Hi, I have this insurance for my veiled. At first i was sceptical, but it turns out that it has been the best thing that i have ever done with reguards for preventative care. The only draw back is that you have to pay the vet and the you get rembursed for the bill. I rescued a veiled off of...
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