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  1. R

    First try!!!

    u are lucky mine wont go near my hand. ;(
  2. R


    reply mine wont eat for days sometimes. either he is tired of worms and crickets or just dont want to eat/
  3. R

    New cage!!

    thanks for the replys and i will be going to home depot and trying to replicate the bottem cage....will let u know how it goes thanx:)
  4. R

    New cage!!

    Building an outdoor cage for dino my veiled cham. Need sugestions on materials to use and not use. any help would be great..
  5. R

    Terrified chameleon

    Thanks so much for the reply and i will try the hand feeding but i have to first get him to allow me to be in his presence. He even drinks out of a bowl because he wont let me turn the dripper on long enough for him to go to it. Will keep u posted on his behavior.
  6. R

    Terrified chameleon

    Please help!!! Scared chameleon!! My little guy is about 8 or 9 monthes. When i first got him he was playfull. he would scurry when i put my hand in or try too bite but usually pretty cool about me and coming out. The last couple of monthes he has been ating terrified of me. Any time i put my...
  7. R

    bump on head

    i have had this little guy for about 4 mounts. He is a male veiled. He seems to be very healthy and has a lot of energy and aggression. He eats and drinks fine but last night i noticed a bump on his head. I had this happen to another veiled i had last year and i took him in to the vet and he cut...
  8. R

    tired angry chemeleon

    Im so sorry to say but 1 hr after writing post my veiled smalls past away when i went to check on him. I am very sad and i dont know what i did wrong but thanks for trying to help me.
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    tired angry chemeleon

    I have a 9 to 10 month old veiled. When i first got him he was eating alot and was fine with being handled. Then he got his first absess and i took him in th the vet and they cut it open twice in 2 visits. i had to treat them 3 times a day for a month. Ever since then he has been very angry and...
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