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  1. chickenleg77

    Additional lighting

    Hi, I have a viv exotic AX24 for m veiled Cham. My set up its self is fine but the problem Isthe lower parts of the viv are quite dark. I was wondering what other people have done I their viv's to counter this problem. Thanks, Chris
  2. chickenleg77

    A Chameleon bite

    That's quite a nasty bite. She has never freely came out of her viv but like you said once she is out she has always been calm once out. I often leave the viv door open but she has never shown any interest in coming out I am also looking for trees to put by her viv but can find any big enough...
  3. chickenleg77

    A Chameleon bite

    Hi, I post yesterday asking advice about my moody chameleon. I was wondering of those of you out there that have been unfortunate enough to have been bitten how bad can it be? I ask because eventually I think she may get me she has become very territorial lately. She hand feeds very well but...
  4. chickenleg77

    My mood chameleon

    Hi, No she isn't. She had her ovaries removed a few months ago due to eggs being stuck inside her she was unable to lay. The vet said that she was perfectly health and well looked after but it does happen sometimes
  5. chickenleg77

    My mood chameleon

    Hi, I have a veiled female chameleon who has just turned 11 months old. The problem I have is overnight she has turned aggressive and won't let me go near her to take her outside for some sunshine or even move her to a plant so I can clean her viv. I know that when they mature they do become...
  6. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    Hi Kinyonga, That was so easy to understand you should become a vet! i got my chameleon back tonight and she is looking much healthier already. she is back in her normal sleeping spot like nothing had happened... she is one tough cookie. im hoping she will feel up to a little bit of food...
  7. chickenleg77

    Attack !!

    How big are your ants? I find that amazing thatthey carried off your crickets our ants are tiny in the uk. I had a large cricket at large in my cricket for 2 days it tormented me with it's sound every now and then the mrs would shout out to me what's all that noise "nothing dear" as me and this...
  8. chickenleg77

    free range play area

    that is a brilliant idea. i have been trying to think of how to do my own playground. thanks for the inspiration :)
  9. chickenleg77

    A Word Of Warning!

    Hi, i thought i would post a bit of advice to the inexperienced and the experienced chameleon owners out there. my chameleon is coming up to 9 months old and has just tried to lay her first clutch of eggs. unfortunatly she was unable to lay the eggs due to the eggs being stuck in the...
  10. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    Hi, I spoke to my vet this morning and asked about the oxytocin he said that it won't work on her and may cause retina damage. Be then went on to inform me that there are 2 types of egg binding 1 where the eggs leave the ovaries but the chameleon has no will to push them out 2 where the eggs...
  11. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    In your opinion should I leave her viv set up how it is or shall I put her in the garbage laying bin and see if she lays? tomorrow will be her last chance to lay. She has shown no signs of digging so I'm thinking that putting her in the bin where she can not escape may cause stress. What do you...
  12. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    I forgot to mention she did have an X-ray on Saturday that's how he knows he knows she has a lot of eggs
  13. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    When I spoke to my vet the weekend he just mentioned spaying her. I am going to phone my vet tomorrow to make an appointment for her Wednesday as I think any longer her health may decline I will ask him what he thinks. She still showed no signs of digging today I even spent a bit of time...
  14. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    She has a couple more days but then I will have no choice but to take her to the vets to be spayed. Good luck hardwyre I hope everything goes ok. Let me know when she lays.
  15. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    My bin fits in the Vivarium so I'm going to take everything out and put her in it. I'm not sure if I should give her a way to climb out as she will probably climb out and not go down there to lay eggs. Im racking my brains as to why she isn't interested in this tub of soil :confused:
  16. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    Hi Carol i dont suppose you can post a link please im having trouble finding the page. Thanks
  17. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    i have covered her vivarium in a blanket so she cant see out and we cant see in and apart from a peak from above to see what she is doing she has had total privacy. thats why i was thinking of the garbage bin. what size laying bin are you using?
  18. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    she stopped eating last friday (9 days ago) but she is still drinking. to be honest she looks perfectly healthy. she Roams the enitre vivarium top to bottom like she is searching for something but not once has she dug a hole in the pot or at the bottom of the vivarium.
  19. chickenleg77

    how to get my female veiled chameleon to dig?

    Hi, i have been told by my vet that my chameleon has a very large clutch of eggs but she is showing no willingness to dig. i have put a plant pot in her vivarium approximatly 14inches tall filled it with soil (recommend by the pet shop) covered her vivarium and left her to it. i have had...
  20. chickenleg77

    Egg bound

    To be honest she looks really good she has no other symptoms that I have seen posted on the forums she is alert, hydrated lovely green colour with horizontal gold strips with a little bit of blue. Ohh she is a bit moody then she usually. Do you think I should hold off going to the vets for a...
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