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  1. T

    Bump on hands and tail

    My panther recently grew bumps on hand s and tail and have no idea what it is. Also his leg swollen. I’m taking him to the vet asap. Let me know if y’all know what it is
  2. Suspicious


    9 month panther
  3. T

    Sleeping during the day

    I’ve caught my chameleon sleeping during that day twice now. Why is he doing that and what can I do to help him? He is about to shed so I’m wondering if that’s causing it? Lmk
  4. T

    Rate My Chameleon Enclosure

    Need more plants so he can hide and more branches different width so he can climb
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    I’ve been having dreams of my enclosure and room filled with other chameleons including mine but I can’t find him. Also chameleons are fighting and tails bitten off. What does this mean. I’ve had this dream twice
  6. T

    Post cham and their name!

    haven’t named him yet but here’s my 7month old boy
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