Foggers, Pothos, and everything in between!

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Welcome to This Chameleon Life! In this week's Chameleon Hour video I took you along with me as I fueled up with some Chameleon Cold brew. I did not realize the controversy this would cause. I thought there was concern tht I was drinking cold brew concentrate directly and the intensity of caffeine from that. But, no, it turned out that my European friends were disgusted that I was using concentrate as coffee should be fresh! Ah, well, I can't argue with that!
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By the way, I come to this bit honestly. When I started with cold brew I didn't know what concentrate was and just thought it was very strong sipping coffee. I have since become wiser. PSA: Do not drink coffee concentrate directly!

After that I checked in on Antilles the panther chameleon.
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My level of "taming" is getting my chameleons comfortable with hand feeding like this. And, Antilles was pretty happy with his morning haul of green banana roaches :)
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I wanted to share a clip from the time we found a male Furcifer oustaleti crossing the road in Madagascar

Then James Cross joined me to talk about a DIY fogger/mister he created!
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And I rounded off the hour with a talk with Elizabeth Vasquez from Propogated Perfection about our favorite plant Pothos! (Well, Epipremnum aureum for you plant nerds!)
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If you would like to watch the episode you can view it here!

It is a fun hour of stuff that chameleon people love! The Chameleon Hour is a YouTube variety show for chameleon enthusiasts that is released every other Friday at 5pm PST.
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk about tap the discussions tab and type away!
About author
Bill Strand is the founder of the Chameleon Academy whose mission is to share the latest information about chameleon herpetoculture. He got his first chameleon over 40 years ago and has worked with them since. Bill founded the Dragon Strand Chameleon Caging Company and is deeply living the chameleon life!
The Chameleon Academy takes the form of a podcast, YouTube channel, and the website that contains all the gathered information!

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