Veiled only eats succulents, doesn't drink.


New Member
So my veiled chameleon devours chicks and hens like a fat kid eating cake. I've never seen her drink water.....ever. I mist a few times a day but never drinks. I'm getting worried cause she is eating them faster than they grow! And she eats several worms and bugs a day. What am I gonna do when I run out of these succulents? Can I find then year round?



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i dont understand what your saying? i didnt see chickens at all so im thinking you ment something else. mealworms arnt a good diet for your cham but ok for a rare feeder. ^^ mabey you can post all your chams info ect from the health area. cute cham btw.

ps- to answer your qestion we have site sponcers that you can order all kinds of yummys for your cham.

pss- many chams do nto drink in front of you. when you leave they drink off leaves. mine personally do drink in front of me but it took some time. id get them alone time to drink. so long as the urate is white your doing perfect.
"Hen and chicks" is a succulent plant, not actual chickens. ;) How are you trying to provide her with water? If she's not drinking she is getting her hydration from the plants she's eating, so to combat the devouring of the plants maybe you need to try some new methods of providing water. Could you fill out the husbandry questionnaire so we can try to pinpoint ways to help you out?
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