umbrella plant question


Avid Member
now this might sound stupid but can you root an umbrella plat clipping like you can a pothos? thats how i got all my multable pothos plants. i just took clippings and put them in my fish tank and then potted them once they rooted. can you do that with an umbrella plant? will it root or just rot. i would like another one, and its not the season.
They are increadibly easy to grow from cutings. One of my enclosures has all cuttings from an umbrella plant and they did very well and have established strong roots.
On the umbrella plant subject....

I hve them in two of my enclosures and my chameleons have torn them apart!
Every little branch that the leaves grow on are facing straight down!
Has anyone else had/have this problem?
I have cloned quite a few with all but one being successful. I used some rooting gel, although, you could probably have success with out it.

Justin I had similar problems when I first started using the plant. I guess as I had changed many things over time I could not tell you exactly what the differance was but I believe in my case the biggest differance was the extra lighting.

One observation I do have is that the large ones I have bought seem to never quite develop the bark. At least not the ones I have kept indoors 24/7. I wonder if they have over grown them through chemical means and the substandard indoor condtions do not allow them to develop it as well. Not being subjected to wind could also do this as this forces them to develop stronger structures in order to survive. With the small ones I have bought, clones and ones that get in rotation outdoors they get quite thick sturdy bark throughout the sturcture. This is what you are trying to achieve....well at least I am. They are very, very strong.

Maybe when it warms up you can get a rotation going sticking some outdoors. The addition of the extra lighting did stabilize mine enough to where I did not have to do this but I still do. Maybe you could throw up some additional fluorescents, with some new plants and still be able to salvage them when spring comes around.
On the umbrella plant subject....

I hve them in two of my enclosures and my chameleons have torn them apart!
Every little branch that the leaves grow on are facing straight down!
Has anyone else had/have this problem?

My cham hates his umbrella plant so I don't have it in his cage. I do put him in it when I clean out his cage and he tolerates it for about a half hour before trying to find a way to the floor.

My problem is that the plant thinned itself out pretty bad to accomodate lower light levels but its starting to come back. Most of the leaves are horizontal.

Over watering tends to be an issue with this plant and it requires less than a pothos and I have to stop myself before I douse it.
In short....yep you can do it, I have and my Mum's an expert on cuttings.

Cut it at a joint, place it in water and wait for it to root.
Easy. Likew someone said rooting gel etc can be used depending on how quick you want to do it!
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