
What does he like? Kinda depends on if he want to handle or wants a window piece.

You cant go wrong with a corn snake. Very pretty colors, they grow to a good manageable size, fairly active, fairly inexpensive, etc..
I've had a corn snake for about 11 years now. I think he's somewhere around 14 years old. He's great, doesn't need a lot of care. Just a small rat once a week and hes good to go. He's about 5 1/2' long.
I would suggest a corn snake, king snake, or ball python for a first snake.
Corn snake for sure. or a Kenyan Sand Boa. Much smaller and very easy to care for. Also great personality. :)
I will say that the ball pythons will end up eating fairly large rats, so if you decide to go the ball python route make sure he thinks he can handle that. A large rat is a far cry from a mouse!
we have had both corn, and ball python - the python got a little aggressive at feeding time- it did become an issue, and he ended up striking my son, the corn, was as mellow as could be, but still active enough to to be a neat pet, and everything was smaller w/ the corn - the feeders , the mess- lol but either one would be a great first pet :D we always feed frozen/thaw - its safer for the snakes
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