shipping temps


Avid Member
Hiyas all i wanted get some imput from some others on shipping temps..
Ive been shipping chams for awhile now an always follow guidelines set by shippers an friends who have told me how to doit..
so i sold this female cham an the buyer wants me to ship her out on mon, the temps here in so cali look fine but the hub an its final destination its goin to be 30-34degrees an i told this buyer thats to cold to ship, an they buyer tells me oh i just bought my male an had it shipped in freezing weather so it should be ok.. ive tried to tell this person that in the 30's is to cold an it would void any warranty from either me or the shipper an that its just not a good idea an this is the reply i got bk from the buyer
"I think its good. Just have extra heat packs maybe and possibly paper towels or towels around it to prevent cold air from getting in and take around corners. "
extra heat packs? it isnt goin to be freezing during the day an i feel extra heat packs an papertowels arnt goin make it safe to ship this cham when overnite temps are in the low 30's.. will yall give your opinions please
would you send a cham that you hatched out an raised bout to adulthood just to ship her out in freezin temps cause the new cham owner thinks itll be ok?
i just looked again at the temps at its final destination is 27 for the low mon nite and 28 for tues low.. to me this is crazy to even be thinkin bout shipping.
From someone that has opened the box to a beautiful Cham dead because of shipping temps I personally don't like to take chances, and that seems like a pretty big risk to me!!
From someone that has opened the box to a beautiful Cham dead because of shipping temps I personally don't like to take chances, and that seems like a pretty big risk to me!!

hi Rob
yeah i cant imagine what thats like i know recieving a cham is stressful let me tell ya shipping them out is even worse for worrying about them.. Ive shipped quite a few chams now an its still nerveracking when temps are good let alone alil questionable but 27 is more then questionable to me to me its a no no.
Here's what a dead Cham coming out of a box looks like when you get the temps wrong ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364791759.404279.jpg
Sorry to see your loss Clark, that always hurts.

I would suggest waiting for a warmer break in the weather.

At ShipYourReptiles, we suggest a minimum of 38F for the daytime high. You would still use a heat pack (40 hr minimum) and of course a well insulated box.

You can find temperature guidelines at our site, in the Get Help section.

When I am shipping in extra cold temps, I am more likely to double up the insulation, as opposed to using multiple heat packs. You don't want to overheat the animals, you want to prevent wide temp fluctuation.

Feel free to contact [email protected] for direct help and questions. Best of luck!
I have always shipped when the night time low at the hub is 35 and above.
Thats where they spend most of the time at but the final destination should be 35 and above as well because the heat packs will be cooling down by the next morning.
To avoid any cold temps on the delivery truck when it is "out for delivery", you can ship to their local World Service Center. In most cases, this is where the package is sorted before going on the truck. By delivering there, it would avoid temps in the truck while being delivered.
Also, you can use a 7x7x6 box with a heat pack to keep the cham warmer as well.
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