plant soil question


New Member
So I have a little umbrella tree that is in a new pot with organic soil. I read that I am supposed to put a layer of rocks on top of the soil so that my Cham doesn't eat the soil. Instead could I put a deep enough layer of special soil/sand where she could lay eggs? do you think she would lay eggs there or would I just be wasting my time/money?
If it was me I would not. I would still put rocks over the soil and keep a separate bin for laying eggs where I could keep an eye so you can see if she is digging in the soil.
I honestly wouldn't bother putting the rocks but that is just me. We suggest housing pygmy chameleons in enclosures with substrate without fear of impaction so why can't we leave the plant's soil bare.

Many of us have used Exo-Terras, and the like, fully planted where the chameleon has a large amount of substrate in the enclosure, yet it is not covered.

But, as ridgebax said, there should still be a separate bin for egg laying.

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