Laying Tub for Female Veiled.


New Member
Ok, I have a pot that matches the others we are using in her enclosure.
Its 10 deep and 10 wide.
We may be able to upgrade to a slightly larger pot that is like 12 x 12 once we get her new enclosure done.

Several questions:

1) I have cleaned it(it was used) but should I bleach it(and triple rinse) or run it thru the dishwasher to sanitize it?

2) We have play sand but I cannot find organic dirt. Even the ones labeled organic have stupid fertilizers in them. GRRRRR
Can I just use play sand in it then?

3) How damp should it be kept?
1) it should be fine as it is

2)i use playsand with success year upon year its it cheap and great.

3) it should be damp enough for yourself o dig a tunnel and it sat as it is without callapsing
We are not planning on breeding her, but want to have a laying tub so she has a spot if needed and doesnt become egg bound.
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