Has anyone been hand feeding and your cham missed or couldn't get it.


New Member
I ask this because I think hand feeding is awesome and yesterday Link did it for the first time and hit his target but I think I was holding the meal worm too tight and he couldn't get it, do they trust "the hand" less?
I just hold worms in my palm, since they don't move much.
Cricks and roaches I hold by their back legs between thumb and index finger.

It's so cool when they eat out of your hand for the first time!!
What an awesome feeling to know a cham trusts you that much!!
dont forget to hold the crickets by both of their back legs because they will sacrifice one leg to escape but not two :)
Oh man I know! I got so excited when he fixed both eyes on the worm and put his tongue at the egde of his lips! I was amazing! :)

If I could describe the feeling to someone who's never owned a cham I'd say it was like the girl you liked in highschool saying yes when you asked her out! :D
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