Female Receptivity


Avid Member
Hello, I just had a few questions about females receptivity.
Does anyone know, once females have reached sexual maturity typically how often they become receptive if they have not bred. Is it like once a month, and if you miss the receptive period, do you have to wait until the next month, or is it determined by the females moods/surroundings/situation etc? I know what actions to expect if the female is receptive, but is is best to introduce the male to the females cage, or female to males cage?
I also was curious if the changing from light colors to orange signified their "coming of age"?
If anyone could recommend a suitable program of feeding/dusting/temperature to prepare the females for a small successful clutch, I would be very interested in hearing your methods in detail, including how far in advance before conception you begin this routine.
Thanks :D
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ibesok said..."Does anyone know, once females have reached sexual maturity typically how often they become receptive if they have not bred"...assuming you are talking about panthers...in the wild it depends on the morph...in captivity, they mostly can breed all year laying anywhere from 2 to 6 clutches a year.

You said..."Is it like once a month, and if you miss the receptive period, do you have to wait until the next month, or is it determined by the females moods/surroundings/situation etc?"...if the female is showing receptive coloration you can mate her....if she is showing (dark) non-receptive/gravid coloration, then usually she will reject the male. Sometimes the female will accept a male when showing the dark coloration. In some instances this acceptance seems to have a connection to whether they have enough retained sperm or not.

You asked..."is best to introduce the male to the females cage, or female to males cage?"...I have always introduced the female into the male's cage.

You said..."I also was curious if the changing from light colors to orange signified their "coming of age"?"...the chocolate brown with bright orange markings indicates non-receptive or gravid.

You might be interested in reading this if you haven't already...
I was inquiring about female panthers. Thanks for your reply and the article. I had already read it, but not with the intention of breeding.
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