which Dog food your dog like...??


New Member
Please share which Dog food your dog like and you think is best.

1. Pedigree
2. Royal Canin
3. Bakers
4. Orijen
5. Beta puppy

or any other brand. I generally give Giving him Royal canin he is excited when Sees it but I have heard that Orijen is also very good thinking of trying it.
We give our boxer Blue Diamond - you can get it at a Tractor Supply store. She loves it, and when we took her for obedience training they asked what we fed her, when they heard the answer they were very impressed as it's got a great (but small) reputation. We stumbled onto it by accident - it's about $38/40lb. bag there. Good luck!
Nutro natural choice, or nutro ultra, or nutro max, depending..

expensie- but worth every penny. especially since other kinds give my pup an upset tum tum.
I use only Blue Buffalo Wilderness. I once sat at a pet store and read every label on every brand and Blue Buffalo seemed quite superior. Just because it doesn't have corn and othe fillers my ex-roommates's pit-lab mix has lost a lot of weight, while eating the same amount. And it's gwntle on my youngest's sensitive tummy.

Nutro also seemed like a good choice but it made a lot of dogs very ill not very long ago, and I don't know that they've resolved their issues. Just in case, I threw out my free samples and haven't reconsidered it.
One of mine has bad food allergies. If it has any corn/wheat her fur falls off and her skin scabs up and she scratches until she bleeds. We only use orijen and good old meat/veggies for her. She can eat rice too. If she manages to eat something that she cant handle we have to feed her only rice/chicken/cottage cheese and give her medicine to help with the other issues until she gets better.

I recommend the best quality pet food you can afford for your dog. I know for some people it would be impractical to feed orijen to a big dog because of price. Also be sure to check how often/if they had to recall any food for various issues! A lot of chicken/duck dog treats have caused the deaths of a lot of dogs but is still allowed on the shelf anyways.
EVO all natural dog food all the way..our apbt won't touch any thing else...i heard feeding your pet pedigree is like feeding him McDonalds ever day...a store that sells all types of cat and dog food told me that evo is one of the the best dog foods...
Mine get Purina. They love it and do great on it. :) I know all the rage right now is the more holistic brands, but the big brands (Purina, Pedigree, Iams) are not bad. They've done a lot of research and their foods are good quality and meet all the high quality standards of the industry. That can't be said about some of the newer brands. Some dogs do better on others for various reasons so I'm glad those are available too. The McDonald's equivalent dog foods are the cheap brands you can get at the grocery store like Ol Yeller. I cringe whenever someone tells me that's what they feed.
My girl gets Kirkland, the Costco house brand. It's a decent food, and reasonably priced. I have the worlds laziest Border Collie who packs on weight faster than an elkhound.

She was on Orijen, but to keep her weight in check with a premium food, she got such a tiny portion. By downgrading the food a notch, she stays trimmer while eating a larger portion which seems to leave her more satisfied.
My dogs are on Natural Balance and my cat is on Innova
Husbands 9 yr old Rottie is on Innova Senior and she's doing better than ever after we switched her on it. (Able to get up and lay down without showing discomfort)

You basically get what you pay for. Yes, some are way overpriced and some dogs seemingly do well on cheap food. But after many years of trying and researching dog food. I've learned to stay away from huge brands.

Is pedigree cheaper?? Not really. You do get 50lbs of dog food for less than $30. But with pedigree I'd have to feed 4.5-6 cups of food for my dog. On Natural Balance or other premium foods, I only feed her 3-4 cups. It lasts for over a month. Do your dogs poop A LOT? Probably because it's filled with corn and it probably smells awful too.

I want to try and feed them what is good for them. I'd hate to lose a pet because of diet issues. Food related issues are completely avoidable in my opinion.

Do your dogs have itchy/dry skin? Tears stains you can't get rid of? Over weight? Dull coat? These conditions can have medical issues relating to it but I noticed a lot of these issues arise because their food/diet is not right for them.

Brands I've tried (some were a hit or miss)
-Royal Canin
-Blue Buffalo
-Solid Gold
-Natural Ultramix
-Natural Balance
-Nutro (Natural/Ultra)
-Science Diet
Out of the ones you mentioned, Orijen is the best. That being said, I *always* advise people to feed raw when they can. There are several premade raw diets now that make raw feeding easy! One of my three dogs has sensitive stomach issues, so we have to feed Taste of the Wild.

When talking dog nutrition, I always reference this website:
Mine get Taste of the Wild, grain free. I used to give them canidae grain free but switched not long ago.
Bailey wanted me to tell you to get Orijen 6 fish and an Elk Antler to chew on.
I feed all my pack :p Nature's Domain and put a raw egg in the bowl with their food once a feeding. Everyone has an amazing skin and coat.
Since we found out about Red's cancer we have been cooking him chicken, veggies and either brown rice or cuscus. Before that he had Blue Buffalo, before that Nutro and before that Science Diet.
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