Can you tell me what kind of plants these are =]


Avid Member
I have these two plants and I dont know what they are and was wondering if they were toxic. So if anyone can help me and let me know what they are that would be awesome!!!


Additional Common Names: Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection

Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia

Family: Araceae

Toxicity: Toxic to Cats, Toxic to Dogs

Toxic Principles: Insoluble calcium oxalates, proteolytic enzyme

Clinical Signs: Oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of mouth , tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing

Additional Common Names: Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dragon Tree, Ribbon Plant

Scientific Name: Dracaena spp.

Family: Agavaceae

Toxicity: Toxic to Cats, Toxic to Dogs

Toxic Principles: Saponins

Clinical Signs: Vomiting (occasionally with blood), depression, anorexia, hypersalivation, dilated pupils (cats).
Additional Common Names: Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection

Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia

Family: Araceae

Toxicity: Toxic to Cats, Toxic to Dogs

Toxic Principles: Insoluble calcium oxalates, proteolytic enzyme

Clinical Signs: Oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of mouth , tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing

So my jasmin says its toxic to cats but its on the safe list... would this be the same thing? Its not listed on the flchams safe list...
My cat eats my dracaena plant and my pothos all the time. I'm surprised he isn't dead yet. He also likes peace lilies which are also poisonous to cats. He just barfs a little and he's fine :confused:
If it was me i would go to a greenhouse and get plants you know are safe like pothos, Ficus benjamin, Im using the Draceana or corn plant and a Schefflera Arborcola in my cage
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