Box Turtle Egg - prolonged incubation


Staff member
Anyone have a lot of experience with three-toed box turtle eggs? One of my females dropped a single egg without digging a hole (they're outdoors in Texas, which is their native habitat) and we've been incubating it. The male has mated with all 3 of the females so I assume it's fertile, but don't know which female it was that laid it. I've always had a box turtle colony but we don't try to breed them so whatever happens happens. The egg has been incubating high 70s-low 80s in vermiculite and still looks white, plump and healthy for an incubating egg. Here's the kicker: it was laid August 2012, which is now more than 6 months ago. That's a lot longer than box turtle incubation should be! But I don't ever throw eggs away until they go bad. Can it really take this long?
No experience with box turtle eggs but with other reptiles including chameleons. I have had infertile eggs stay nice and white for close to a year.
That does seem like a long time. Maybe overwintering in the egg?? I have read and heard of some doing that but I am not that experienced with turtles.
I've hatched eggs from that species but I don't have experience with the eggs going that long. Have you tried candling it?
I candled it in November and saw two small blood vessels at the time so I believe it should be fertile. I assume if for some reason the embryo had died the egg would have definitely gone bad by now. My mom has the egg in Texas or I'd check again. I told her to bring it with her next time she comes to visit. I wonder if airlines would notice a turtle egg in carry on luggage...
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