Baby Raiser


Established Member
This is for Max!!! I love u brah and this is what u have been waiting for !!!!
This will take several posts as I can only post 5 pictures at a time.
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Now that's what I'm screaming, homie!! That's the ish right there! When can you come build mine?? :D

THIS IS AMAZING! Holy moly, I think I need to make one. I have so many questions now too.. I'll ask later though, bedtime! Again, this is amazing.
Now this is a quality set-up!!!

Honestly, I am just doing this post so I can make sure I can easily track down this post when I have the time to sit and study what you have done! Chameleon keepers show the most amazing creativity when we start solving the unique problems in keeping/breeding/raising these guys! Can't wait to settle down with a cup of coffee and just enjoy this design!
Hey guys I have to take care of the chams and get to work so I will make this quick but I wanted to say that I am not the designer or builder of this cage. Brian Stinson/Reptoman built it and I have just made a few additions and finished what he started. He gets the credit for this one and he did a fantastic job on it, more later :)
P.S. I would love to take credit for it but I can't :<)
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That is pretty awesome, how many babies do you put in each cell? More than one? Btw, your mini raindomes are pretty cool.
That is pretty awesome, how many babies do you put in each cell? More than one? Btw, your mini raindomes are pretty cool.

When I designed this originally, the idea was to be able to separately house babies once they outgrow the bin and start to aggress and raise them to around 6 months in the individual cells. If I did not sell them by then they would be moved to a larger cage. The cells are roughly 12x12x24
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